21:19 Jun 14, 2022
'Hey guys! So I decided to take a step away from doing my makeup and get a little deeper with you all. Animal welfare has always meant a lot to me, and one of my biggest goals in life is to save as many animals as possible. Through my journey of really submerging myself into learning about the beauty industry, I realized that some of the most popular brands out there are not cruelty free.   This is a topic that can probably be talked about for days, but I wanted to scratch the surface and share some of what I learned on this topic so we can all be fully informed before making our purchases!  This video is merely me sharing my personal experiences, opinions, and what I found on the internet via Ethical Elephant and the Humane Society International. This content is in no way sponsored or intended to shame individuals on their preference of non-cruelty free makeup, it is only intended to inform and share my personal thoughts.' 
See also:

