'Thank you all so much for supporting us at www.bubblebabez.com We have been recognized please check out the article on: http://myglobalstyle.com/bubble-babez-its-really-soap/ Rules: 1.Must be a subcriber 2.Contest starts Nov. 6-Nov.26 (Midnight) last golden ticket will be given out on Nov.27 3. Must purchase $50 or more in product from www.bubblebabez.com and at check out in comments must write \"Golden Ticket Contest\" to be eligible. 4. Must submit all unboxing videos to this video in order to be eligible for the Grand Prize. Pictorials are allowed! Vid submissions will end Dec. 4 5. If you won a Golden Ticket but did not submit a vid or pictorial you still the Golden Ticket Prize but not eligible for the Grand Prize. 6. Open International. Free Ways to Win (Nov.6-26): -Refer people to www.bubblebabez.com and if they purchase they put your name in comments at check out. Everytime someone refers you your name goes into a box for a live drawing on Nov. 27. -Facebook: Just go to Bubble Babez Facebook fan page http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/pages/Bubble-Babez-Bath-Company/117606324926803 Like it and leave a comment! -Twitta:Just follow us on Twitta & RT updates http://twitter.com/bubblebabez Sponsors (Alphabetical Order): -Bitchface Cosmetics http://bitchfacecosmetics.com/ -Bubu Chulo (XtraOrdinaire Fashion Jewelry) http://www.BubuChuloMUA.blogspot.com -Candles by Victoria http://candlesbyvictoria.com/ -Diamond Dejior http://diamonddejior.com/ -Glam Rock Cosmetics http://www.glamrockcosmetics.com/ -Jenta 2 Be http://www.etsy.com/shop/jenta2b?ref=pr_profile -One Dollar Eyelashes http://onedollareyelashes.com/ Get 10% off now until Dec.31 by using code Nikkie20Six -Still Glamorus Cosmetics http://stillglamorus.com/ -Wet Paint Cosmetics http://www.wetpaintcosmetics.com/ -Xplicit Cosmetics http://xplicitcosmetics.com/ All winners will be announced Dec. 6, 2010'
Tags: paint , cosmetics , VICTORIA , makeup , video , glam , Facebook , Unboxing , TWITTER , By , gifts , ONE , Golden , dollar , rock , contest , eyelashes , Wet , candles , TICKET , Bubble , prizes , soaps , still , bitchface , nikkie20six , xplicit , Glamorus , babez , bubuchulomua , jenta2be
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