'Have extra sweet potatoes that you don’t want to go bad, or are you wanting to learn how to dehydrate them? Join me as I show you how to dehydrate your sweet potatoes, so you can use them in the upcoming winter months. You can just add a heaping tablespoon into your stews or soup or more to your liking or have just have them as a snack. What you will need: - Sweet Potatoes - Potato Masher - Dehydrator with fruit roll sheets: https://www.amazon.com/Presto-06300-Dehydro-Electric-Dehydrator/dp/B008H2OELY/ref=sr_1_11?keywords=food+hydrator&qid=1584404888&sr=8-11 - 4\"x6\" Mylar bags: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H7JVSWV/ref=twister_B07T2X2JHL? _encoding=UTF8&psc=1 - Oxygen absorber: https://www.amazon.com/100-Pack-Absorbers-Packets-Absorption-Capacity/dp/B07S6KCYDK/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2B1BC1RXO8NTW&keywords=oxygen+absorbers+for+food+storage&qid=1584405552&s=home-garden&sprefix=oxygen+absorber%2Cgarden%2C175&sr=1-5 - Labels for Mylar bags Optional: - Food Processor (If you don’t have a food processor, you can use a Mortar and Pestle set or Rolling Pin) Directions: 1. Bake sweet potatoes in oven as you normally would 2. Slice sweet potatoes in half 3. Scoop or squeeze to remove the sweet potatoes from the skins into a bowl 4. Mash sweet potatoes 5. Place mashed sweet potatoes on fruit roll sheet in dehydrator (At this time you can season your sweet potatoes if you wish to) 6. Turn on dehydrator to low setting (195°F/35°C) overnight 7. Carefully remove dehydrated sweet potatoes off the tray 8. Store in mylar bags with 1 oxygen absorber per bag and be sure to label with date OPTIONAL: You can use a blender, food processor, mortar and pestle set, or rolling pin to create a sweet potato powder'
Tags: Food , sweet , homemade , outdoors , camping , potatoes , Jesus , bags , healthy meals , prep , emergency , PREPPING , dehydration , dehydrate , Travel foods , travel snacks , mylar , Jesus preparation , Jesus healing
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