'Ever wondered whether the super affordable MUA Cosmetics is actually worth picking up? Let\'s get testing the bargain brand with an Average Girl Tries vid, featuring my terrifying lack of skill, a full face of first impressions and so much glitter that there\'s now an official shortage in the North Pole. It\'s biodegradable though, which is AMAZING. Check out MUA Cosmetics here: https://www.superdrug.com/b/MUA?q=%3AbestBiz%3Abrand%3A412006%3Acategory%3Apt-make-up-glitter-eyeliner%3Acategory%3Apt_make_up_eye_glitter%3Acategory%3Apt-make-up-lip-glitter&text=&minSel=0.0&maxSel=20.0&minSlider=0.0&maxSlider=20.0&resultsForPage=20&sort=bestBiz&articleQ=&articleSort=&articlesResultsForPage=¤tTab=products&categorypt-make-up-lip-glitter=on#?utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=lucyjanewood ↓OPEN ME↓ You can find me in some other places...
Tags: fashion , beauty , girls , testing , full face , Budget , funny , makeup , haul , british , first impressions , youtubers , YouTube , shopping , cheap , eyeshadow , drugstore , glitter , mua , christmas makeup , get to know me , chatty , lucy wood , average girl tries , lucy jane wood , xmas makeup , christmas party , mua cosmetics , Biodegradable Glitter , mua makeup , eco friendly glitter
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