09:17 Aug 27, 2022
'This is my First OSRS TRAIL BLAZER LEAGUE grind I\'ve ever done. I Wanted to document the amount of work Some one has to put in to get to Dragon statues.  This is my very first time doing leagues as in My osrs history I\'ve never taken leagues seriously.  The fact that its basically Ironman with all kinds of extra stuff... makes it crazy as hell and the relics are also amazing.  Now This league might take me sometime to make! I might upload daily or every other day depending on how everyone is feeling about this series!  It\'s a huge grind and I also would like to earn some cosmetics for the real game (Osrs)   Now this is the first of many episodes to come out, It might be a daily upload depending on how I feel and how the viewers feel about the content   Now I decided to go with my main account Pray 4 Mercy for this episode mainly because I\'d like to see my main get some of these cosmetics!  This is a two month event   So  I might be busy for some time!' 

Tags: guide , school , Money , Making , old , osrs , how to make money , Runescape , pking , osrs ironman , trail blazer , Pray4Mercy , osrs bossing guides , osrs p2p money making , osrs afk , OSRS TRAIL BLAZER GRIND EP1 , OSRS TRAIL BLAZER , runescape trailblazer league , OSRS TRAIL BLAZER LEAGUE GRIND , osrs leagues 2 , osrs leagues trailblazer , osrs trailblazer , pray 4 mercy , osrs leagues ironman , osrs gidlocked

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