'Almost everyone seems to have a unique beauty secret that they love to use to improve their makeup routine. Celebrities often have some great hacks since they have to spend so much time getting ready for events and work while appearing perfect to the public. Millie Bobby Brown, who plays Eleven in the hit Netflix original \"Stranger Things,\" is no stranger to beauty secrets. The teenage actress revealed one of her favorite beauty secrets to Glamour, the secret to her long, beautiful eyelashes. The good news is that it is simple, inexpensive, and straightforward to find. Millie Bobby Brown revealed to Glamour her favorite beauty secret, and it isn\'t even from her own brand. \"Use castor oil for your eyelashes,\" she said. \"It helps to preserve their health,\" she said, \"just a little amount goes a long way.\" After spending so many hours styling chairs for her work and developing her own cosmetics and skincare brand, the actress picked up the tip along the road. Brown also added additional advice, cautioning you about another beauty routine you may find yourself engaging in. Brown said to Glamour, \"Exfoliate just once a week! Most skin types benefit from twice-weekly exfoliation; much more, and you risk over-exfoliating your skin.\" It certainly seems like something you wouldn\'t want to learn the hard way. For more interesting and exclusive stories about your favorite personalities, subscribe to People Exclusive. #MillieBobbyBrown #Netflix #StrangerThings #Beauty #Fashion #PeopleExclusive'
Tags: Netflix , GLAMOUR , makeup routine , Stranger Things , Millie Bobby Brown , Beauty secrets , millie bobby brown style , millie bobby brown makeup , millie bobby brown makeup tutorial , millie bobby brown makeup florence , millie bobby brown best style , beautiful eyelashes
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