'Schedule T– Good Manufacturing Practice of Indian systems of medicine (Pharmacognosy) Components of GMP (Schedule–T) and its objectives Infrastructural requirements, working space, storage area, machinery and equipments, standard operating procedures, health and hygiene, documentation and records. BP 603 T HERBALDRUGTECHNOLOGY (T.Y. B. Pharm) Sem VI (T.Y. B. Pharm Sem VI) UNIT- I Herbs as raw materials Part-I https://youtu.be/yLPr2rRSJwM Processing of herbal raw materials https://youtu.be/fhkvXf5t9lo Biodynamic agriculture https://youtu.be/3e0I7tzEa2w Pest & pest management in medicinal plants https://youtu.be/4ie60lAa5as Indian System /Traditional system of medicine (Ayurvedic system of medicine) https://youtu.be/V1yqhU5NPdY Unani system of medicine https://youtu.be/KvnKhjzjtiM Siddha system of medicine https://youtu.be/g512-25Yqts Homeopathy system of medicine https://youtu.be/mcABmzwgiHo Ayurvedic Dosage Form Par-t- 1 (Solid Dosage forms) https://youtu.be/aO0b-Boe4mM Ayurvedic Dosage form Part-2 (Semisolid Dosage forms) https://youtu.be/UdESpbbikNc yurvedic Dosage form Part-3 (Liquid Dosage forms) https://youtu.be/0-_yC83_v5E Ayurvedic Dosage form Part-4 (Standardization Parameters) https://youtu.be/F5KfoTemXjI (T.Y. B. Pharm Sem VI) UNIT II Nutraceuticals https://youtu.be/JChkWCGzEuo Nutraceutical (Part 2) Study herbs as health food https://youtu.be/O08l0C7GyII Herb drug and herb food interaction (Part-1) https://youtu.be/FH_OydinJTM Herb drug and herb food interaction (Part-2) common herbs and their interactions https://youtu.be/7In88-Qt6T4 As per PCI Syllabus (T.Y. B. Pharm Sem VI) UNIT III Herbal Cosmetics https://youtu.be/w287ezRa0Wk Herbal Excipients https://youtu.be/OeFiSUeMczU Herbal Formulation https://youtu.be/M15fARS3tck For PPT visit my blog https://drsufiyan.blogspot.com https://sufipharm.blogspot.com/'
See also: