Apr 9, 2022
'I\'ve been using the Panic Attack with Soldier but I am not too condident with my aim just yet. I do not like using Banners since it robs me of a secondary weapon and forces me to use my primary, and firing rockets against Pyros is a huge risk if they know how to airblast. - Soldier Loadout - Primary: Strange Carbonado Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I Strange Part: Kills Secondary: Civic Duty Mk.II Panic Attack + 50% more bullets per shot + This weapon deploys 50% faster + Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern - 20% damage penalty - Successive shots become less accurate Melee: Killstreak Disciplinary Action + On Hit Teammate: Boosts players\' speed for several seconds - 25% damage penalty ● Soldier Cosmetics ● ● The Valley Forge ● The Founding Father ● The Colonial Clogs I do not own any characters or music from this video. They belong to the Valve Corporation.'See also: