'HEY! Read me! -- This sweat-proof, oil-proof, and practically water-proof, smooth, flawless, poppin\' makeup will have you GAGGING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My camera is shit for makeup tutorials! You\'ll notice my skin looks a bit rough and textured (which it isn\'t) in the video just because of the way the camera compresses the video. In the photo\'s my makeup it actually smooth, flawless, dewy and stunning and you may think those are edited. They are NOT smoothed or patched in any way! The only adjustments made to those photos were color corrections! The quality of the image, the lighting, and the scenery all depends on how well the makeup looks. So please bare with me with these \"low\" quality tutorials until I get my new camera! Please take into consideration that I do NOT have the best camera and lighting setup for makeup tutorials before you comment! Thank you! ♥ ♥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Instagram: KyleIsWhoIIS ♥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KyleeFleekOfficial/ ♥ Snapchat: KyleIsWhoIIS ♥BUSINESS E-MAIL: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Collaboration Info: I love collaborating! It\'s a great way to help the YouTuber\'s grow! It\'s also REALLY fun! If you want to collab with me simply comment that you want to collab, and I\'ll give your further information there! See below ▼ if I\'m open for collaborations right now! C✪LLAB STATE: ✪PEN ASF! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dislike Incident Info: Almost everyone of my videos has at least 1 dislike, and I know who that person is. Please ignore that one dislike as that person is trying to make my YouTube career fail. Please like the video to overcome that one disliker. Thanks, Kylee! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro Credits: Song -- Fifth Harmony - Work From Home Outro Credits: Song -- Fifth Harmony - That\'s My Girl (YAMH Remix) Other Credits: Nothing here.'
Tags: beauty , tutorial , Makeup Tutorial , summer , makeup , fun , film , ideas , kim kardashian , highlighter , collab , talk , contour , perfume , summer makeup , camera , tutorials , how to do makeup , nails , flawless , how to makeup , glowy , stunning , smooth , dewy , makeupp
See also: