'The European research project NOTOX, coordinated by Elmar Heinzle of Saarland University, aims to develop computer-aided methods to replace animal testing. Take a look behind the scenes of this large-scale collaborative research project, which is co-funded by the European Commission and the European trade association, Cosmetics Europe. More information on NOTOX can be found at http://www.notox-sb.eu Background information: Before being launched on the European market, new cosmetic and hygiene products such as make-up, soap or toothpaste need to pass a thorough safety assessment to ensure their ingredients have no detrimental effects on human health. Until recently animals were used for such purposes. However, in March 2013 a full ban of animal testing for cosmetics in the EU entered into force.'
Tags: animal testing , Cosmetics (Industry) , innovation , european union , european commission , Innovation Union , NOTOX , SEURAT , European Cosmetics Association
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