Feb 24, 2022
'See more awesomeness, photos of this look, and the list of products used on the Blog! http://makeupgameonpoint.com/?p=5215 Today marks one month since I lost one of my best friends. Which would explain my one month hiatus from YouTube and blogging. Her name was Stefanie V. Ramirez and she was THE HUGEST Lakers fan!!! She LOVED Kobe Bryant, so I thought what better way to celebrate her life by something purple and gold for her. I love her so much and I hope that you all enjoy this look featuring the BH Hollywood Palette and may God bless you and bring you back to my channel for much more :) And lastly, for those that have asked me what happened to my friend or how she died, PLEASE have some respect and let my friend rest in peace. I will not discuss with anyone outside of my family how she died, but I will celebrate her life and talk about how she lived. Thanks. Follow Meeeeee https://www.facebook.com/LilPumpkinPie05 https://www.twitter.com/LilPumpkinPie05 Instagram: @LilPumpkinPie05 Music By: Carl M. Cartagena http://www.icehouseindustries.com/ http://icehouseindustries.bandcamp.com/'
Tags: lilpumpkinpie05 , Bh cosmetics hollywood palette
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