Overcome Fear of Going to the Dentist with Spa Amenities

04:32 Feb 9, 2021
Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry  5014 Roswell Rd NE  404-330-9089  www.AtlantaCenterForCosmeticDentistry.com   Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry featured on this spa dentistry report on Fox 5. Dr. Debra Gray King explains how a dental spa can address fear and anxiety, helping patients to feel more comfortable and relaxed while getting dental procedures done. Watch real patients testimonials.    Fox 5 News for the latest on your health and medicine.  Roy: Hi, when you think of going to the dentist, relaxing is probably the last thing on your mind but fewer patients and stiff competition are forcing dentists to become more creative.  Lisa: That means your next trip to the dental chair could be a whole lot more pleasant. Fox 5 med team reporter, Beth Galvin, joins us with her special report: Soothing Smiles. Beth.  Beth Galvin: Roy and Lisa, only about half of Americans are regularly seeing their dentists. Some of us don't have good coverage, some of us are nervous about the treatments, and some of us plain don't like going to the dentist, but one Atlanta dentist is trying to change her patient's mind about dentistry one massage at a time.  When it comes to going to the dentist, Kim Hardy of Columbus figured she knew the drill. She grew up dreading these trips to the chair.  Kim Hardy: They were frightening I would have to say. I think the overall dental experience is fearful.  Beth Galvin: But today, instead of being greeted by that familiar antiseptic dental smell, Kim is surrounded by melon scented candles and instead of spending several hours listening to this, Kim is drifting of to this (music).  Actually, I was listening to Sting! So yeah, it was wonderful!  Dr. Debra Gray King: We want it to be warm and cozy, and welcoming!  Beth Galvin: Are we talking about the dentist office here? Well, yes! About three years ago, Dr. Debra Gray King of The Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry started trying to make her practice more patient friendly.  Dr. King: As a dentist, I have always hated when people would say, "I hate going to the dentist!"  Beth Galvin: So, maybe Dr. King thought, a good massage might  help. She hired a therapist, who comes in three times a week to do free treatment.  Dr. King: She just comes in and does little, mini massages and does reflexology. The patients have really enjoyed that! It makes them more comfortable and more relaxed.  Beth Galvin: Thats important to Kim, who's paying out of pocket to have her smile redone. Today, she'll be in the chair all morning.  Kim Hardy: I was pretty relaxed. A little apprehensive, you know, with it being a four hour procedure, but, you know, within minutes of sitting in  the chair I was completely relaxed and remained relaxed for the entire procedure.  Beth Galvin: The reality is, fewer Americans are going to the dentist and because our teeth are getting healthier and healthier, fewer of us need to come in here, and that's why dentists have got to provide something extra. To go the extra mile, not only to get their clients in here, but to get them to come back for more.  Dr. King is banking on a spa-like approach to distinguish herself, knowing most of her clients are paying their own money, often thousands of dollars to improve their smiles.  Dr. King: Do something different. Set yourself apart. Give your patients reasons why they should come to you rather than someone else.  Beth Galvin: And if you're not into massages, maybe you would like a paraffin wax treatment. Before 23 year old construction engineer, Meredith  Nasekos, opens wide she's coating her hands in the warm, moisturizing wax. Then, putting on heated mitts that will keep them toasty warm during her treatment.  Meredith Nasekos: It is just extremely soothing and makes your hands all soft.  Beth Galvin: And because Meredith is spending several hours in the chair today, Dr. King is prescribing valium and is using nitrous oxide gas to relax her.  Dr. King: You're still awake, but their just so relaxed and the anxiety is gone. They just, kind of, don't care, you know? It's like, just go to town.  Beth Galvin: And even those dreaded novocain shots are less painful now thanks to the wand, a computerized, anesthetic delivery system that slowly numbs the mouth without the pressure used in traditional injections.  Meredith Nasekos: I couldn't even feel it! I didn't even know that they gave me a shot until after I asked them.  Beth Galvin: So, can a foot massage, an aromatherapy candle, or a dip in warm wax really take the bite out of your dental visit? After about three hours in the chair, the women can't quite believe it, but they have actually enjoyed opening wide.  Patient: It's pretty wonderful. Yeah, it has been a great morning! 

Tags: Health , cosmetic , anxiety , atlanta , doctor , fear , spa , dentistry , dentist , teeth , whitening , king , FOX , porcelain , Veneers , Gray , dental , massage , Debra , testimonials

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