'Hi friends i am Ajay Makker, Aj ki video me humne cover kia hai various forms in drug and cosmetic act 1940 with easy tricks, pura dekhen skip na karen 1 question isme se pakka ate hain pharmacy ke sabhi competitive exams men. This video contains: Gpat 2021, GPAT 2022, Gpat 2021 books, Gpat 2021 notes, drug and cosmetic act 1940, forms, license, license for homeopathic medicines, license for unani medicines, license for cosmetics, license for wholesale medicines, license for retail sale medicines, license for motor vehicle, license for c,c1 and x schedule medicines, license for import of medicines, license for personal use medicines, license for blood bank, license for laboratory, license for clinical trials, license for new drug My video links GPAT INTRODUCTION AND STRATEGY MAKING https://youtu.be/LlK92fQ_Wjo GPAT TEMPERATURE AND pH https://youtu.be/eIis2Gh0lpI DRUG AND COSMETIC ACT 1940 https://youtu.be/QY4wojdeT3s PRESCRIPTION | POSOLOGY | LATIN TERMS https://youtu.be/_2tXF_c4f8M TABLET DOSAGE FORM FULL LECTURE https://youtu.be/RpaT31TzrnA FORMS IN DRUG AND COSMETIC ACT 1940 https://youtu.be/YhTylkps5is The mike i use Boya BYM1 Omnidirectional Lavalier Condenser Microphone with 20ft Audio Cable (Black) https://amzn.to/3j0Ov8H GPAT 2021, General Pharmacology, NIPER, Pharmacist Exam, Pharmaceutics, Assistant Professor exam, Drug Inspector k lie questions, short tricks and tips ke lie youtube channel par comment and like karen, telegram group par judne k lie click karen My Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pharmasoluti... My Telegram channel https://t.me/pharma_solutions'
Tags: license , Forms , drug and cosmetic act 1940 , gpat 2021 , ajaymakker , ajay makker , pharmasolutions , pharma_solutions , forms in pharmacy , Gpat 2021 books , Gpat 2021 notes , license for homeopathic medicines , license for wholesale medicines , license for retail sale medicines , c1 and x schedule medicines , license for import of medicines , license for personal use medicines , license for blood bank , license for clinical trials , license for new drug
See also: