'Cosmetics brands campaign against ECHA to maintain EU’s ban on animal testing. Animal rights groups and cosmetics industry giants are joining forces to say no to the re-introduction of animal testing for cosmetic products in Europe. The move follows, seeking to make animal testing possible again in order to evaluate certain substances ECHA, the European Chemicals Agency new requirements from already used in the industry. Online petition. The Body Shop and Dove, with the support of organizations including PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, HSI, Eurogroup for Animals and ECEAE, are today calling on European citizens to mobilize against these decisions by signing a \"European Citizen’s Initiative\" petition now available online. To stay up to date with latest top stories, make sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel by clicking the button above this video! In a joint statement, the brands explain that animal testing is no longer necessary to ensure safety in cosmetics, since modern, scientific, non-animal and equally human-relevant methods have been developed and used by specialists for decades.'
Tags: pet , pets , animal testing , politics , ethics , animals , JUSTICE , animal , philosophy , government , cosmetic products , social issues , animal cruelty , Change Management , Social Sciences , Social institutions , Euthenics , cosmetics industry giants , Cosmetics brands campaign , animal protection groups , animal testing possible , Applied ethics , European Chemicals Agency , Philosophical problems
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