'Disclaimer : This Doesn\'t guarantee the exact interview that you will have. Your chances of getting hired will depend on you. All information that I have provided in this video can be also seen on Glassdoor and other youtube videos. Always do your research. I also have some example questions below hope it helps ⬇️⬇️⬇️ I made this video to help people out there who want to work with MAC. Mac is the first makeup brand that I knew my mom would always buy the studio fix foundation. I tried it and I loved it and got hooked to it ever since. Possible Questions at Mac Interview also study everything simply go to the Mac website know the founders when it started, wheres the first store? whats the first mac lip shade these are not often times ask but if there was a chance that they ask u about history of mac be prepared Why do you want to work for Mac? whats the newest collection right now? what are your favorite mac products? what are you wearing right now? what is a mac girl? introduce yourself other questions that relate to customer service. customer situations co worker situations not meeting the goal situations know what viva glam is know what is the mac aids fund is. if its a group interview do your best do not be shy you can do it for your model just relax and enjoy the moment the result will be always amazing when you enjoy the things you love. No lashes needed minimum of brushes will be provided not going into details because if you are truly an artist you can work with anything. so expect less brushes all i can say. Always be clean in your working area throw trash as you get other makeup as you will be given a small area for work space. for Ulta you will be asked about your work experience and they will check your personality and knowledge about the company as well! just be you and do not pretend be happy and always smile. Goodluck sassyfam! You can do this I got hired by Mac first then I was referred to apply at Ulta Boom koko crunch'
Tags: review , first impressions , MAC Cosmetics , mac , ulta , gratis , story time , dream job , mac interview , Mac in ULTA , Mac training , Mac inside Ulta , Mac application , Ulta Application , Hiring at Ulta , Hiring at Mac , Gratis Haul , ulta interview , ulta hiring , How I got a Job at MAC , How I got a job at MAC ULTA , Mac joins Ulta
See also: