'Vlog Channel: MakeupByCheryl Vlogs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UColmyEJY09q0xlb43_-bogg I thought I would help spread awareness this October by incorporating a Breast Cancer Awareness theme into my next Halloween Tutorial! I hope you guys enjoy this video. This has been my favourite video to date. | MUSIC CREDIT | Track Title: You\'re Free Artist: CMA https://soundcloud.com/cma-music FAVOURITE BRUSHES USED by SIGMA: http://goo.gl/CtEtji **SAVE 10% OFF YOUR ORDER THROUGH OCTOBER! USE COUPON CODE: OCT2014 AT CHECKOU\'T** http://goo.gl/CtEtji | C O U P O N C O D E S | Earn cash back shopping online through EBATES!: http://goo.gl/pKRNM8 ------- M A K E U P G E E K ------ Favourite eyeshadows by MakeupGeek! http://goo.gl/4JWKZh ------- W H I T E N I N G L I G H T N I N G ------ 25% Off the ENTIRE SITE! Use Coupon Code: CBB http://www.whiteninglightning.com http://www.gerardcosmetics.com Have sensitive teeth, but still want a whitening product that works?! I use the Zero White Teeth Whitening Pen by Whitening Lightning: http://goo.gl/XRB9z3 Use coupon code below for two pens for only $29! A $158 value! COUPON CODE: Cbbz29 ------ O R G A N I C S K I N C A R E ------ 20% off Michael Todd Store- http://mtto.tv/10Y 20% off Rose Petal Mask- http://mtto.tv/uJ ------ N U M E H A I R T O O L S ------ Use NUMESPRING50 at checkout for 50% off site wide and free shipping (excluding Steals & Deals): http://goo.gl/EOOiOx $120 OFF Styling Sets (Titan 3, Lustrum, 3SUM, Curljam and Trifect) Coupon Code: Cheryl120 http://goo.gl/EOOiOx $115 OFF Curling Wands & Flat Irons Coupon Code: Cheryl115 http://goo.gl/EOOiOx $49 for Classic & Magic Wands Coupon Code: Cheryl49 http://goo.gl/EOOiOx ------ I M O M O K O ------ Use code CHERYLBEAUTY for 10% off entire website http://www.imomoko.com ------ C O L O U R E D C O N T A C T S ------ Pinky Paradise: http://goo.gl/2jZ3gJ - use code \"MakeupByCheryl\" for free gift at checkout! ----- M Y F A V E B A B Y S I T E ----- The Honest Company http://goo.gl/GjJMOl ----- M Y B R O T H E R\' S G A M I N G B L O G ----- BLOG | http://venkmanvids.blogspot.ca YouTube | Venk\'s Vids http://goo.gl/ZR8kSU | F O L L O W M E | VLOG CHANNEL: MakeupByCheryl Vlogs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UColmyEJY09q0xlb43_-bogg BLOG: http://www.Makeup-By-Cheryl.com TWITTER: http://goo.gl/VGb34v FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/BUqfIP PINTEREST: http://goo.gl/AFpcyz INSTAGRAM: http://goo.gl/jz1SzD **************************************************************************** VIDEO CAMERA: Canon Rebel T3i LIGHTING: Natural/Diva Ring Light EDITING SOFTWARE: Final Cut Pro X For all business inquiries or questions: [email protected] OR SEND ME A LETTER! Cheryl or Makeup By Cheryl PO Box 1721 Woodstock STN MAIN Woodstock, ON N4S 0B1 | PRODUCTS USED | (in order used in the video) MAC Painterly Paint Pot Makeup Geek Eyeshadow in Peach Smoothie Makeup Geek Eyeshadow in Cupcake Makeup Geek Eyeshadow in Simply Marlena MAC Mixing Medium MAC 3D Pink Glitter Kat Von D Liquid Eye Pen in Trooper Make Up For Ever Aquabrow Anastasia Clear Brow Gel Anastasia Matte Pencil in Camille Velour Lashes in Lash in the City MAC Natural Radiance Primer MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NC20 Maybelline Fit Me Concealer in Sand Hourglass Ambient Powder in Dim Urban Decay Eye Pencil in Perversion Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara NARS Laguna Bronzer NYX Blush in Angel NARS Cream Highlighter in Cococabana The Balm Cindy Lou-Manizer MAC Eyeshadow in Phloof Jordana Lip Pencil in Baby Berry MAC Lipstick in Angel MAC Lipglass in Angel | COSTUME | Fluttershy Costume -http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/la-mlp-fluttershy-pony-med/'
Tags: tutorial , makeup , health (industry) , Pink , glitter , Cosmetics (Quotation Subject) , Makeup Artist (Profession) , makeup geek , Cancer (Disease Or Medical Condition) , Breast Cancer (Disease Or Medical Condition) , Breast Cancer Awareness , pink makeup , fluttershy , makeup geek cosmetics , The Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Holiday) , My Little Pony (Fictional Universe) , Cancer Research (Organization Sector) , National Breast Cancer Foundation (Organization)
See also: