'Cosmetic products animal testing in the EU - legislation'

'Cosmetic products animal testing in the EU - legislation'
03:49 Dec 21, 2021
'http://www.ceway.eu This clip presents the rules and legislation regarding animal testing of cosmetic products in the EU and its development over the last few years.  The regulation that covers cosmetic products animal testing is regulation 1223/2009.  Cosmetic products animal testing is prohibited in the EU since 11. March 2013, and this prohibition applies to all of the products placed on the EU market -- those produced in the EU, and those imported from outside of the EU alike.  The prohibition of animal testing in the EU was gradual. Initially, on the 11th September 2004, animal testing of finished cosmetic products became prohibited. In March 2009 prohibition of testing of ingredients or combinations of ingredients on animals came into force, as well as the marketing ban of cosmetic products and ingredients which have been tested on animals in order to meet the requirements of the EU cosmetics legislation.   Since then only animal testing to demonstrate the safety of cosmetic products for the most complex human health effects (repeat-dose systemic toxicity, skin sensitisation, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity and toxicokinetics) was allowed, but even that became banned in March 2013.  However, data obtained from animal testing prior to these dates can continue to be relied upon in the safety assessments of cosmetic products.' 

Tags: makeup , Cosmetics (Industry) , Animal Testing (Film Subject) , cosmetics animal testing , European Union (Organization) , regulation 1223/2009 , EU cosmetic legislation , ban of animal testing , repeate dose toxicity , skin sensitisation , carcinogenicity , reproductive toxicity , toxicokinetics , CE.way

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