Should it be legal to use animals for medical and cosmetic testing?

Should it be legal to use animals for medical and cosmetic testing?
07:06 Jan 22, 2021
So this is my presentation on whether or not it should be legal to use animals for our cosmetics and medical research for my CE 1010 English class. Originally I believed that all animal testing was inhumane but after researching this topic further I realized that animals can actually benefit from certain experiments.  Did you know that without lab animals we wouldn’t have the polio vaccination or insulin? I certainly didn’t until now.  Animal testing also gives rodents such as rats and mice a chance to be seen as something besides vermin.  Some drawbacks to animal testing includes the inaccuracy of results and the fact that the animal’s rights are ignored. I get that it sounds a little strange for an animal to have rights but it seems unfair to have a mouse tested for a disease that doesn’t even apply to them like measles.  I was able to come to the conclusion that animals should continue to be used for medical research but in regards to cosmetics testing the use of lab animals seems unnecessary and results in the animals being treated unfairly.    Thanks for watching!  I hope I was able to clear up any questions you may have had regarding animal testing. 
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