'We spent a whole day with Dr. Byron Poindexter at his farm in Leesburg, Virginia getting to know the man behind the surgical mask! Dr. Poindexter shares his love for horses and their calming effect on his psyche as well as his passion for design and aesthetics that led to the beautiful rebirth of a historic barn. CONTACT US: 703.263.8697 austin-weston.com info@austin-weston.com Schedule a consultation: http://bit.ly/AustinWeston-Consultation Subscribe to our blog: http://bit.ly/AustinWestonBlogSubscribe FOLLOW US: Facebook: http://bit.ly/AustinWestonFacebook Instagram: http://bit.ly/AustinWestonInstagram Snapchat: http://bit.ly/AustinWestonSnapchat Twitter: http://bit.ly/AustinWestonTwitter #AWCMeetOurDoctors'
Tags: nova , cosmetic surgery , washington dc , plastic surgery , animals , farm , peace , Barn , horses , restoration , equestrian , Austin-Weston , northern virginia , AWCMeetOurDoctors , horseback riding , blue collar , northern va , meetourdoctors , recontruction
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