Animal testing

Animal testing
05:46 Jan 7, 2021
Forever Against Animal Testing!  It’s genuinely Outstanding how far we have come so far!! Be super proud!!! But... The fight isn’t over  1989❤️ The Body Shop started campaigning to end animal testing in cosmetics. We were the first global cosmetics company to fight this cruelty. 1998❤️ Following our sustained campaign, the UK government banned animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients. 2003❤️ Campaigning by The Body Shop and BUAV (British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, now Cruelty Free International) contributed to a European Union ban on animal testing in cosmetic products. 2009❤️ The European Union implements its ban on animal testing in cosmetic ingredients. 2013❤️ We celebrate history. The sale and import of animal tested products and ingredients is banned, completing the EU ban. Our campaign with Cruelty Free International collects 1 million signatures. 2017❤️ We reach 3 million signatures in our campaign with Cruelty Free International. 2018❤️ We reach 8 million signatures in our campaign with Cruelty Free International. We take our petition to the United Nations to ban animal testing in cosmetics worldwide. 2019❤️ We continue to see great progress across the world. In June, Nevada becomes the second state after California to end the sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics, while in Canada all three major parties spoke in favour of the Canadian Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act. Cosmetics animal testing prohibitions come into force in Taiwan and the House of Representatives in Colombia vote in favour of a bill to end the use of animals in tests for cosmetic products and ingredients. AaIt’s genuinely Outstanding how far we have come so far!! Be super proud!!! But... The fight isn’t over  1989❤️ The Body Shop started campaigning to end animal testing in cosmetics. We were the first global cosmetics company to fight this cruelty. 1998❤️ Following our sustained campaign, the UK government banned animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients. 2003❤️ Campaigning by The Body Shop and BUAV (British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, now Cruelty Free International) contributed to a European Union ban on animal testing in cosmetic products. 2009❤️ The European Union implements its ban on animal testing in cosmetic ingredients. 2013❤️ We celebrate history. The sale and import of animal tested products and ingredients is banned, completing the EU ban. Our campaign with Cruelty Free International collects 1 million signatures. 2017❤️ We reach 3 million signatures in our campaign with Cruelty Free International. 2018❤️ We reach 8 million signatures in our campaign with Cruelty Free International. We take our petition to the United Nations to ban animal testing in cosmetics worldwide. 2019❤️ We continue to see great progress across the world. In June, Nevada becomes the second state after California to end the sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics, while in Canada all three major parties spoke in favour of the Canadian Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act. Cosmetics animal testing prohibitions come into force in Taiwan and the House of Representatives in Colombia vote in favour of a bill to end the use of animals in tests for cosmetic products and ingredients. 
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