'Fakian has her video banned from the UK but margo has given permission to everyone to upload her full video so everyone include the people in the uk can see his fuckery! Please enjoy and go sub to Margo! Margo Indigo Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRIjZ9PgUakHyk7wkGXcdng Margo\'s description box details: Chronicling the rapid decent of one of the biggest and most disliked bullshitters on this platform; this behaviour is not what youtube and it\'s creators are about and it\'s time to keep standing together in solidarity to clean house once and for all. ....part two.
Tags: John kuckian , gaslighting , John kuckian exposed , kuckian cosmetics exposed , Margo Indigo , the end of the kuckian effect , margo indigo john kuckian , the truth about john kuckian , the end of the kuckian effect part 2 , the fall of john kuckian , the end of the kuckian effect margo indigo , beautea with ashleebeautea with ashlee john kuckian , taking john kuckian to his own courtroom , part 2 taking john kuckian to his own courtroom , john kuckian let's discuss the line
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