'BEAUTY HACKS THAT ACTUALLY WORK How to choose right face foundation, apply long-lasting lipstick and clean mascara brush? The best makeup life hacks will show you how to enhance beauty and look fabulous! Choosing the best beauty products could be a tricky job and requires a lot of knowledge. For example, it’s really hard to choose the right foundation formula for your skin. But we are ready to help and we tested various beauty products and you will be able to choose the best one. Moreover, you will find awesome beauty ideas and easy and cheap recipes of beauty products. Have you ever known the difference between water-based foundation and oil-based foundation? In this video you will find the experiment that shows the difference. Oil-based foundation contain a lot of components that clog pores. If you use water base it gives your skin to breath. Another experiment shows that Vaseline forms a thin impermeable film that protects skin from losing it’s moisture. Also, we compared strips for cleaning pores with a black mask. Strips for cleaning work better. We compared four beauty products that help us to remove makeup: coconut oil, makeup remover oil, micellar water and makeup remover gel. Coconut oil is the best product to remove makeup. You\'ll learn how to organize your makeup, how to decorate your room and even make natural cosmetics at home! You\'ll find how to make lipstick, face foundation and lip scrub with no effort! Don\'t forget to subscribe and click the bell
Tags: tips , beauty , diy , girls , do it yourself , crafts , Makeup Tutorial , lipstick , decor , How to make , life hack , lifehack , makeup , homemade , beauty hack , makeup hack , for girls , trick , home decor , handmade , art , decoration , decorate , how to decorate , room decor , how to decor , Mascara , makeup artist , concealer , face mask , face cream , how to apply , clogged pores , diy project , black mask , long-lasting , makeup ideas , clean face , eye shadows
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