'Hey dolls, Here is my story and just some helpful advice on my experience/journey working at MAC as a Makeup Artist! Please feel free to drop any questions, I\'ll try to be as transparent with you guys as I can. I\'ll keep it real with you ;) Hope you guys enjoy this one, and if you do, please feel free to leave me a \'LIKE\' so I know to do more videos like this one! Love you guys! XOXO Our FAMILY VLOG Channel! (2nd Channel!)-- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS3mTREGP-0yu7NrwN9a1cQ Let\'s Be Buddies! MY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS-- F A C E B O O K www.facebook.com/simpleechristy I N S T A G R A M www.instagram.com/simpleechristy T W I T T E R @SIMPLEECHRISTY S N A P C H A T SIMPLEECHRISTY B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S [email protected] Camera Used to Film -- Canon Rebel T3i Editing Software -- Final Cut Pro & iMovie Lighting -- 2 Studio Lights and/or Natural Lighting'
Tags: MAC Cosmetics , beauty vlogger , mac , makeupartist , story , storytime , simpleechristy
See also: