'Hi guys! Today\'s look is an every makeup routine and also a review on the new Jaclyn Hill x Becca Champage Collection! The #beccaxjaclynhill collection is one of the biggest launches this season so I\'m sharing my thoughts and showing how it looks on my complexion. Hopefully you will find this every makeup look helpful! Subscribe :) music by Ike Slimster http://bit.ly/1ZmUBjF wig: myfirstwig.com \"Mignon\" http://bit.ly/1sWKA29 New videos Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7am PST. Subscribe! http://bit.ly/1nlx305 P R E V I O U S V I D E O S: Foundation 101! Shade Matching + Tips http://bit.ly/1PVSC5D The Truth About Beauty Hacks! http://bit.ly/1Pjozz0 P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D: Becca Champage Pop Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid http://bit.ly/24phnIP Champagne Collection Face Palette http://bit.ly/24pgW1p Champagne Collection Eye palette http://bit.ly/1WAjOJx Too Faced Shadow Insurance http://bit.ly/1WAjLgH Reveal Beauty Mini Eyelash Curler http://bit.ly/22Fp0eX Eyeris Sriracha Lash http://bit.ly/1PuUy5b Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara http://bit.ly/24phdRN L\'Oreal True Match Powder (cocoa) http://bit.ly/24phHY9 Shea Moisture Bronzer \"Mandalay Dusk\" http://bit.ly/24pi8Sm Mario Bedescu Rose Water Facial Spray http://bit.ly/24pi84F Benefit High Brow Glow http://bit.ly/24piFUc Colourpop Taurus Lip Pencil Jouer Liquid Lip Creme \"Daiquiri\" http://bit.ly/1U5oVPI Jouer Skinny Dip Lip Topper http://bit.ly/22FqjdV b r u s h e s Morphe E27 Blending Brush http://amzn.to/1Ies7iU Sigma E54 Eye Brush http://bit.ly/24phc05 Sephora Pro Shadow #14 Brush http://bit.ly/1WAjBGi Becca The One Perfecting Brush http://bit.ly/1WAk62R Bobbi Brown Face Blender http://bit.ly/24phO6a Stilazzi S133 Brush http://bit.ly/1Sknp6T C O U P O N C O D E S: Use code JACKIE25 for discount on all PUR Cosmetics purchases! http://www.purminerals.com/ 10% off all Nailhur.com purchases! (Where I get all my cute PRESS ON nails! YAS gworl, PRESS ONS!) ♡ use code jackiea for 10% off your total purchase! Use code JACKIE1 and save 15% off all Sacha makeup http://www.sachacosmetics.com/ Makeupgeek - my FAVE inexpensive eyeshadows and pigments http://bit.ly/182WcpL Sigma Makeup Brushes http://bit.ly/1FkFUYl use code JACKIESIGMA for 10% off Use coupon code JACKIEAINA to save $25 on http://www.rpgshow.com/ ♡ C O N N E C T W I T H M E: instagram: @jackieaina snapchat: jackieaina facebook: Jackie Aina twitter: @jackieaina B U S I N E S S: For business inquiries please contact [email protected] with “Jackie Aina” in the subject line. *Affiliate links are used Changing the standard of beauty, one tutorial at a time :) Phil 4:13'
Tags: everyday makeup , everyday makeup tutorial , summer makeup , summer makeup inspo , everyday makeup routine 2016 , everyday summer makeup routine
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