Oct 6, 2021
'Hey y\'all happy Saturday, I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend so far. I also hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween. I actually had recorded a video on Halloween but unfortunately it wont upload. So I am sorry I have been gone for about 4 days. I have been relaxing and hanging out with my husband and Forrest. But I have missed you all and I do have a lot to show you. Too much for this one video so there will be another video with the rest soon. We also have some amazing subscriptions coming this month. I got the Ipsy Glam bag so I am so excited for that, I cant wait until it comes. But that\'s just one, make sure to hit the bell so you don\'t miss any of it. Thank you all so much for the support and love. And go check out Dawn Eyes Cosmetics, this eye shadow is amazing. dawneyescosmetics.com #dawneyescosmetics'
Tags: dawn eyes cosmetics
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