'Hey loves!! Today I\'ll be trying out some matte lipstick kits by Kylie Cosmetics for the first time. Hope you guys enjoy! P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D: Kylie Cosmetics Lipstick Kits https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/collections/new P R E V I O U S V I D E O S: New ABH x Amrezy Palette Review + First Impression https://youtu.be/DrFNSWC0DXk Maybelline Dream Radiant Liquid Foundation Review + 12 Hour Wear Test https://youtu.be/vhnUwWuPaGc Fenty Beauty SNAP SHADOWS Review + First Impressions https://youtu.be/wreMzFuuzyU Classic Holiday Glam with a Red Lip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKs6M... My Winter Foundation Routine For DRY SKIN https://youtu.be/Oib40HSnzTE S U B S C R I B E: Have You Subscribed? Don\'t be shy, everyone is welcomed. Join the AleJayGang New video every Tues, Thurs and Sat at 5PM EST. C O N N E C T W I T H M E: Snapchat: Lwamban Instagram: mualejay Twitter: mualejay B U S I N E S S: For business inquires please email me at [email protected] M A I L I N G A D D R E S S: Lisa Wamban P.O. Box 30600 Charlotte, NC 28230 FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is not sponsored. Sponsored or not, my content is 100% honest and I always provide my genuine thoughts on ALL products.'
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