!['[BizSmart] CH Harmony, making organic cosmetic products'](https://cdn-img01.cosmeticsvlog.com/images/3-m/334/334972.jpg)
'CH Harmony, making organic cosmetic products 유기농 화장품 전문기업 씨에이치하모니 CH Harmony is a company that produces cosmetics by using patented organic agricultural products as well as herbs. In order not to destroy the nutrients, the company has extracted the pure undiluted solution and produced the goods based on the low-temperature vacuum extraction system. Based on the accumulated experiences in the field of organic cosmetics, the company has launched its own brand, CHOBS. All the products released by CHOBS are certified to the BDIH COSMOS-standard, which is the integrated standard from Europe for organic cosmetics. Also, the products have achieved Vegan Society and ESMA Halal certifications. As a company that has achieved Halal certification for the first time in Asia, the company has boosted exports to the global market. We explore CH Harmony, a company that has achieved continuous growth based on the accumulated experiences. 국내 유기농인증 받은 농산물과 허브 등의 원료를 활용한 유기농 화장품 제조 전문기업. 씨에이치하모니 씨에이치하모니는 원료의 영양성분을 파괴하지 않는 저온 진공 추출공법으로 원액을 추출하여 제품을 생산하고 있다. 유기농 화장품의 노하우와 다양한 레시피를 보유하고 자체 브랜드 \'CHOBS\'를 내놓았다. 이 제품은 국내 최초로 유럽 천연 유럽 천연 유기농 화장품 통합기준인 COSMOS-standard 인증과 BDIH, Vegan, 할랄인증을 받은 제품으로 시장에서 인정받고 있다. 특히, 아시아 최초로 할랄인증 획득하며 수출에 박차를 가하고 있다. 축적된 노하우를 통해 세계시장에서 성장하는 [씨에이치하모니]를 만나본다. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Subscribe Arirang Official YouTube] ARIRANG TV: http://www.youtube.com/arirang ARIRANG RADIO: http://www.youtube.com/Music180Arirang ARIRANG NEWS: http://www.youtube.com/arirangnews ARIRANG K-POP: http://www.youtube.com/arirangworld ARIRANG ISSUE: http://www.youtube.com/arirangtoday ARIRANG CULTURE: http://www.youtube.com/arirangkorean ARIRANG FOOD & TRAVEL : http://www.youtube.com/ArirangFoodTravel ------------------------------------------------------------ [Visit Arirang TV Official Pages] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtv Twitter: http://twitter.com/arirangworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/arirangworld Homepage: http://www.arirang.com ------------------------------------------------------------ [Arirang K-Pop] YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/arirangworld Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangkpop Google+: http://plus.google.com/+arirangworld'
Tags: News , YouTube , song , Kpop , TV , culture , organic cosmetic , korea , Korean , arirang , arirangtv , vod , issue , 유기농 화장 , 씨에이치하모니 , 허브 , 할랄인증 , CH Harmony , CHOBS , ESMA Halal Certifications
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