Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry 5014 Roswell Rd NE 404-330-9089 www.AtlantaCenterForCosmeticDentistry.com Dr. Debra Gray King from the Atlanta Center for cosmetic Dentistry interviewed on Fox News talks about the DDS System. An intraoral device that helps patients to take smaller bites and eat slower, allowing the body's built-in system to tell our brains when we've had enough to eat. This new approach slows down the eating process so that your built-in satiety response can allow you to feel full after consuming less food. And bathing suit season, just around the corner. If you're looking to drop some of that winter weight, we'll tell you about a gizmo that could help you whittle your middle. That is straight ahead. Ok, be honest. Who has trouble sticking to their diet? Let's see a hand. The rest of you are liars! Well, we have a miracle device that could be just perfect for you. This gadget right here is actually a dentist gizmo that supposedly makes you eat less. Here to tell us how it works is Dr. Debra Gray King. She is a dentist. (applause) Alright, this looks like a retainer that my daughter had a couple of years ago, and that's probably the same idea isn't it? Dr. Debra Gray King: It is exactly the same idea! It's so simple, I'm sure dentists all over the country are saying, "Why didn't I think of that?" And the premise is this: You know, everybody talks about super-size this and blah, blah, blah. If you stick this in your mouth, it's kind of large, it will take up, I don't know, maybe 20% of your mouth capacity and that means you are going to eat less. Dr. Debra Gray King: You're going to eat slower and you're going to take smaller bites. Ok, well now here's the problem I've got: You might take smaller bites, but you'll just take more bites. Dr. Debra Gray King: Well, that's the trick. When you eat slower, you give your body a chance for the satiety response, which is the response that tells you that you're full, t kick in and that's what most Americans do. We eat so fast and we eat on the run that we've over eaten before our bodies have had the chance to tell us that we're actually full. And it does make sense. You hear all those people say that if you slow down and you eat slower, you don't gain weight as quickly. We're going to see a demonstration in just a moment, but before your mouth is full of cookie what is this thing called, how much does it cost, and where do you get them? Dr. Debra Gray King: It's called the DDS System and you can get them from, there's over 2,500 certified dentists around the country that have been trained to deliver these types of appliances and you can find the dentist near you on the web: ddssystem.com and there's also a toll free number, it's 866-HOW-2EAT. So, that's how you can find out where to get them. Alright, now let's see how to eat with this. Go ahead and stick your DDS System in your mouth. Dr. Debra Gray King: Well, should I do the one without it first? Ok, sure. Here's the idea. Go ahead doctor. Dr. Debra Gray King: So, don't have my appliance in. I'm going to take a bit, maybe we should time how long it takes, but... We're going to measure, essentially how big your mouth is. Ok, that is the first bite. How is it by the way? Dr. Debra Gray King: It's delicious! Oh, and now the napkin. We have the tidiest dentist in all New York City area. Alright, now go ahead and stick the gizmo in. Dr. Debra Gray King: Oh, water! Thank you so much! She just received one from a man off camera. Alright, go ahead. Dr. Debra Gray King: So, this is actually my appliance if you wanted to get a look at it. Did you lose weight? Did you need to lose weight? Dr. Debra Gray King: I've been wearing it for a couple weeks and I have lost a couple pounds already. Ok, it's in. Well, you look fine. Let's take a big mouthful there. Will you hold the two cookies up side by side. The one in your screen right hand was without the device and that one was with the device. Smaller bite, but you're staring at it like you really want some more. If you would like more information, it's called a DDS System and our thanks to Dr. Debra Gray King with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. She's the president! Thank you very much! Dr. Debra Gray King: Thank you so much
Tags: diet , Health , cosmetic , News , system , atlanta , doctor , dentist , teeth , whitening , king , FOX , porcelain , Veneers , Gray , dental , massage , Debra , testimonials , DDS
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