'Remember to give this video a THUMBS UP! if you enjoyed it! and don\'t forget to SUBSCRIBE! LINKS: ❤️ instagram: http://instagram.com/kaitlindobson ❤️ twitter: https://twitter.com/kaitlindobsonn ❤️ spotify: https://play.spotify.com/user/kaitlindobson ❤️ soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/kaitlindobson FAQs: ❤️ Where do you live? Edinburgh, Scotland ❤️ How old are you? I am 18, my birthday is in November ❤️ What do you use to edit? Final cut pro/ iMovie Thank you lots and lots for watching, love you all! xx If you are a company wishing to contact me, email me at: [email protected]'
Tags: CHEAP MAKEUP , testing , makeup , haul , first impressions , makeup collection , drugstore , mua , primark , favourites , does it work , primark makeup , kaitlinemmax , kaitlinemma , testing mua , poundland makeup , grace and grace
See also: