Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry featured on Forever Young

Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry featured on Forever Young
02:59 Dec 10, 2020
Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry  5014 Roswell Rd NE  404-330-9089   The Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry featured on Bill Frank's Forever Young. Dr. Debra Gray King talks about how cosmetic dentistry not only changes smiles, it changes lives.    Bill Frank: Hey, welcome back to Forever Young. Today we've got a great show for you. We're going to visit with a cosmetic dentist that actually changes, not only the appearance of people, but their confidence and the way they face life.  (music)  Bill Frank: Let's see what's going to happen when Dr. Palsker takes me over to meet Dr. Debra Gray King, cosmetic dental specialist.    (music)  Bill Frank: Dr. King, this is a living room. This is not an office. What's with this?  Dr. Debra Gray King: Well Bill, that's exactly what we were going for. We want our patients to to feel at home when they come here and we find that it lowers their anxiety level when they just come in and they can have a cup of coffee and sit in front of the fireplace before we see them for their appointment.  Bill Frank: Wow! This is a place you bring your date, not to see a dentist! Can we see the rest of it?  Dr. Debra Gray King: Absolutely!  Bill Frank: Wow! That's amazing! How many of these particular offices are there actually here?  Dr. Debra Gray King: We have 11 operatories here.  Bill Frank: Now, let me ask a question. Is there a chance that we can see some of these, or any of them, as they came in here not so beautiful that you've fixed?  Dr. Debra Gray King: Absolutely! We have several patients that just love for us to show their before and afters, and get the word out on what's possible.  Bill Frank: Can I sit down for a second?  Dr. Debra Gray King: Sure, have a sit and we'll so over some of them!  Bill Frank: Ok, let's go for it. This will be fun!  Dr. Debra Gray King: Ok, so this is just a young girl who wanted to have a broader, whiter, and longer teeth smile and so this is just the before and after with her.  Bill Frank: Wow!  Dr. Debra Gray King: She actually looks a little bit older. That was her look that she wanted, to not look quite as young.  Bill Frank: What's amazing is that she's 15 years of age and she already was smart enough.... she said she wanted the option without having her teeth ground down and so this was all done, from here to here, without having to grind the teeth off at all.  Dr. Debra Gray King: That's correct.  Bill Frank: Wow!  Dr. Debra Gray King: This patient actually came to us because she wanted to look younger. Her teeth were a little bit yellow and she had dentistry done through the years, and so what we did was replaced all of her old dentistry and gave her some beautiful, porcelain veneer teeth that just looked really young and youthful. Look how beautiful she is.   Bill Frank: She looks like she went from someone who was a smoker and ate a lot of chocolates to someone that looks like Lee Remick. Beautiful! Everyone knows how beautiful Lee Remick was. Is there a demographic on the type of person that specifically comes and seeks your professional services?  Dr. Debra Gray King: We really see people from all walks of life. We have the soccer moms, we have the business professionals, but mostly we just want people that want help to have healthy and beautiful smiles. That's mainly what we attract, and a lot of times by restoring the teeth, not only can we make you look beautiful, but we can make you look 10 or 20 years younger. 

Tags: Health , cosmetic , atlanta , doctor , dentist , teeth , whitening , young , king , porcelain , bill , Veneers , Gray , dental , massage , Debra , Frank , forever

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