'Here is my 6 week update from my Bbl with Dr. Hasan out of Vanity Cosmetic Surgery in Miami. I have a full video of my journey that is very in depth that is posted on my channel. Hope this video helps out with how the recovery process is and my results. I am still swollen and yes I have stretch marks !!! I am a mother of two and not perfect! Also I have small dark dent on my butt, long story short my suitcase fell over with the handle up and hit me right in my butt the DAY after surgery !!!! So I\'m pretty sure I damaged the fat cells there, so Im hoping and praying over time it will even out !!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE THIS VIDEO FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM CHENEMONIQUE THANK YOU'
Tags: Lifestyle , miami , sx , breast , Surgery , bbl , buttlift , drmiami , brazilianbuttlift
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