Jul 23, 2021
'*whole video was NOT meant to be sped up only a few clips!?!?! I\'m not sure what happened!!! *insert crying emoji here* Hi babies! Fianlllllly getting up this full face using only kids makeup challenge. We have been outta power for almost 2 days, were in a little bit of a hurricane in Florida currently lol but were okay! Anyway this was for sure a challenge haha like I say in the video I\'m sure my makeup skills were actually better as a child then what they are here. :p I still had fun doing this though!!! Ive seen some requests for the How I did my makeup in high school challenge, if you wanna see it I got you lol even though I\'m a little scared!! :) And I know you are missing the vlogs but they will back next week. 143. B U S I N E S S: For Business and Branding purposes please [email protected] For Public Relations please contact [email protected] STAY CONNECTED WITH ME: Snapchat: hi.nic Instagram: nicoleguerriero - http://www.instagram.com/nicoleguerriero Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nguerriero19 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nguerriero19 The END. i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.'
Tags: beauty vlogger , kids makeup , Nicole Guerriero , youtube challenge , full face using only kids makeup challenge
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