'To see the full Ethereal Radiance Collection click here: http://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/117449/146780/2835?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmabeauty.com%2FEthereal_Radiance_s%2F413.htm Also use code DEC2014 for 10% off Swatches: http://www.rebeccashoresmua.com/?p=3054 B L O G: http://www.rebeccashoresmua.com P O R T F O L I O: http://www.rebeccashoresartistry.com I N S T A G R A M: @RebeccaShoresMUA http://www.instagram.com/rebeccashoresmua S E C O N D C H A N N E L: http://www.youtube.com/rebeccashores T W I T T E R: @rkshores http://twitter.com/rkshores P I N T R E S T: http://www.pintrest.com/rkshores E M A I L: [email protected] S N A P C H A T: rkshores B L O G L O V I N: http://www.bloglovin.com/rebeccashoresmua F A C E B O O K: http://www.facebook.com/rebeccashoresmua --- Y O U T U B E --- Subscribe Please: http://goo.gl/0A3oCA Last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPCDOLPWrJY&list=UUSmbSoBTrG87S5GFI7-k_Eg I put out new videos every Monday and Friday and Blog posts on Wednesday. --- P R O D U C T S --- You can find the collection here! http://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/117449/146780/2835?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmabeauty.com%2FEthereal_Radiance_s%2F413.htm ---- R E B E C C A O N T H E W E B--- Blog: http://goo.gl/BejoEq Second Channel: http://goo.gl/CRoM5Q Portfolio: http://goo.gl/jyczCG Instagram: @RebeccaShoresMUA http://goo.gl/1Hfz4E Twitter: @rkshores http://goo.gl/AWTJvf Pintrest: http://goo.gl/vRCsO6 Snapchat: rkshores Fine Art Website: http://goo.gl/I1DaVz Personal Blog: http://goo.gl/iEGZiY Business: [email protected] --- M A K E U P / B E A U T Y--- Sigma Makeup and Brushes: http://goo.gl/85eJXQ ** Use code NOV2014 for 10% OFF your entire order Makeup Geek: http://goo.gl/Zj6d4F** LA Splash: http://goo.gl/rNXukL ** Use Coupon Code AFFILIATE-G343P2 for 10% Carrosel Lashes: http://goo.gl/K7zD8y Use Code RBCSH20 for 20% orders over $38.01 USD/30 EUR and free shipping (Good until 12/31/14 DermaMD Skincare: http://goo.gl/9vMDfd Use code DERMA40 at check out --- B U S I N E S S E N Q U I R I E S --- [email protected] --- E D I T I N G / C A M E R A / L I G H T I N G --- Nikon D5100 - 35mm f/1.8 lens Stellar Lighting 18\" Ring light and Two Lotus Lights - http://goo.gl/mT9o72** Adobe Premier Elements 12 --- D I S C L O S U R E -- Some links are affiliate links (all marked by **) PR Samples are Marked with * Video is not sponsored'
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