'KYLIE MAKEUP BUY T SHIRTS, HERE https://teespring.com/stores/rich-lux-boutique ♡MY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS♡ ♥ TWITTER: NEVER USE IT ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/richlux713/... ♥ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/RichLux713 △▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES FOR PRODUCT REVIEW OR OTHER REASONS PLEASE CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL: [email protected] Rich Lux P.O.BOX 882 SOUTH HOUSTON TX 77587-0882 △▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△ COMEDY AND SATIRE PARODY *Please don\'t go out of your way to \"witchhunt\" anyone that I have talked about in these videos. This channel\'s purpose is to entertain people and not to spread hate to anyone else\'s channels. I have no ill will towards anyone I make videos about.* ITS JUST SATIRE AND COMEDY NOTHING IS REAL DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING I SAY IN MY VIDEO ITS ALL A JOKE. Footage used is under fair usage 106. I can not confirm the accuracy of the information I am sharing, and so this should be viewed for comedic purposes only. THIS VIDEO IS PURE COMEDY AND SATIRE GET OVER IT FTC- NOT SPONSORED! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUimtwiVmR0 GOOF FOR YOU [No Copyright Music] Sthlm Sunset - Ehrling'
Tags: girl , makeup review , cosmetics , makeup , kylie jenner , manny mua , new makeup , laura lee , Kylie cosmetics , Kylie makeup , mannymua733 , mannymua , kylie cosmetics brushes , Honest review , kylie brushes , kylie cosmetics brush set , brush set , honest AF review , makeup brushes , Unboxing , snapchat , rich lux , lauralee , New Cosmetics , makeup unboxing , RICHLUX , SNAPCHAT RANT , luxury makeup brushes , real review
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