'My twitter: http://twitter.com/Misschillchick my myspace: http://www.myspace.com/misschillchick compare the brushes from the special edition from MACCosmetics.com and Brush111.com. they are my opinion, i bought all these brushes. comparing some of the brushes that came in : Wave of a wand sweep and define brushes, morning noon & night everything brushes, do the trick buff and line brushes, sets that i purchased calling the 1-800-387-6707 mac cosmetics... and the brushes I\'m talking about are: MAC 187 SE MAC 168 SE MAC 275 SE MAC 212 SE MAC 219 SE (Fake MAC) www.BRUSH111.com they come in a light purple makeup bag. ************ AGAIN THIS IS FAKE!!!! THEY DONT SALE THIS IN THE MAC PRO WED SITE OR THE 1800# OR THE MAC COSMETICS SITE********************************************************** 187 SE 168 SE 275 SE 212 SE 219 SE VIEW PART 2 Photos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBKHxPILS6Q'
Tags: tutorial , diy , cosmetics , howto , makeup , MAC Cosmetics , mac , educational , compare , shop , arts , fasion , brush111.com , fake mac , fake mac brushes , misschillchic12 , makeup beushes , misschillchick
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