'FAKE MAC 187 Stippling brush!'

'FAKE MAC 187 Stippling brush!'
03:28 Aug 17, 2024
'MAC stippling 187 brush review & apply, so in the video i am reviewing and apply with a mac 187 stippling brush, by scott bickel would LINKS: ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MAC-187-FOUNDATION-STIPPLING-DUO-FIBRE-MAKE-UP-BRUSH-NEW-UK-seller-/271139192916?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f2127c054 MAC:http://www.maccosmetics.co.uk/flash/brush_finder/index.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID=CAT1751  Products: mac foundation studio fix & mac stipping 187 brush Pressed powder rimmel stay matte The other brush was a bamboo powder brush FB: https://www.facebook.com/MrGiGiScottBickel' 

Tags: Make up , review (literature subject) , Mac OS (Operating System) , Subject (programming) , by scott bickel would , mac stippling brush 187

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