'Hello! My name is Shweihninzy, and I suffer from acne! I received this product complimentary from Dior. #OctolyFamily Find the product here: https://www.octoly.com/c/hatz5/r/hayyg I received this product complimentary from OFRA Cosmetics. #OctolyFamily Use my promo code: OFRA30: Please use code OFRA30 for 30% off your order at ofracosmetics.com Find the product here: https://www.octoly.com/c/hatz5/r/hazvb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shweihninzy/ Business Email: [email protected] ❤ F.A.Q. ❤ Camera: Canon t6i Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro Ethnicity: Burmese & Alsatian MUSIC: **This is not a sponsored video, some links are affiliate, thank you for using them and supporting this channel!'
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