'Style Editor Kelsey put Stila Cosmetics\' weird new silly putty highlighter to the test! ♥ Follow Kelsey ♥ https://www.instagram.com/klstieg ♥ Subscribe to Seventeen! http://bit.ly/SUBToSEVENTEEN ♥ ♥ Follow Seventeen ♥ http://instagram.com/seventeen https://twitter.com/seventeen https://www.facebook.com/seventeen ♥ SEVENTEEN SHOWS ♥ Beauty Lab: http://bit.ly/17BeautyLab Style Lab: http://bit.ly/17StyleLab Bullet Journaling w/ Noelle: http://bit.ly/BulletJournalingWithNoelle Celebs & Seventeen: http://bit.ly/17Celebs'
Tags: Makeup Tutorial , makeup review , seventeen , makeup products , seventeen magazine , beauty tutorial , BEAUTY REVIEW , stila , beauty hacks , beauty products , weird beauty products , weird makeup , Highlighter review , best highlighter , makeup testing , stila cosmetics , seventeen youtube , 17 youtube , silly putty , Rose Gold Highlighter , putty highlighter , weird beauty , crazy beauty products , champagne highlighter , silly putty highlighter , crazy beauty , silly putty highlighter review
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