'Hi, and welcome to the first installment of my two-part series ‘Best of Beauty 2014’. It’s been FOREVER - I was too unwell to film for five weeks, then our internet gave up on life. SO excited to be ‘back’ and sharing this with you at last, enjoy and scroll down for PART TWO! *Click ‘SHOW MORE’ below* ♥ PART TWO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY8ypnyyip0 If you\'d like to read my blog, please visit http://www.meg-says.com To learn more about the chronic illness that I live with (M.E), kindly read the overview that I wrote: http://www.meg-says.com/2014/03/me-for-beginners.html or take a look at the symptoms: http://www.meg-says.com/2014/03/symptoms-of-mecfs.html ITEMS MENTIONED: Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation (B10) - http://www.yslbeauty.co.uk/makeup/complexion/le-teint-touche-eclat/1025YSL.html?dwvar_1025YSL_color=Beige%20Rose%2030&cgid=makeup-complexion#start=3&cgid=makeup-complexion Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer (Fair) - http://www.boots.com/en/Collection-Lasting-Perfection-Concealer_1436032/ Bobbi Brown Corrector (Porcelain Bisque) - http://www.bobbibrown.co.uk/product/2335/15905/Makeup/Face/Correctors-Concealers/Corrector/index.tmpl MAC Studio Fix Powder (NC20) - http://www.maccosmetics.co.uk/product/shaded/158/251/Products/Face/Foundation/Studio-Fix-Powder-Plus-Foundation/index.tmpl MAC Eyeshadow in ‘Omega\' - http://www.maccosmetics.co.uk/products/spp/shaded.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID=CAT154&PRODUCT_ID=PROD363&SKU_ID=SKU1661 NARS Virtual Domination Cheek Palette - http://uk.spacenk.com/virtual-domination-cheek-palette/MUK200013993.html MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in ‘Lightscapade\' - http://www.maccosmetics.co.uk/products/spp/shaded.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID=CAT13750&PRODUCT_ID=PROD30735&SKU_ID=SKU55528 Urban Decay Naked Palette - http://www.urbandecay.co.uk/naked/naked-colour/naked Yves Saint Laurent Babydoll Mascara - http://www.yslbeauty.co.uk/makeup/eyes/mascara/baby-doll-mascara/1006YSL.html?dwvar_1006YSL_color=Fetish%20Black&cgid=makeup-mascara#start=3&cgid=makeup-mascara Rimmel Salon Pro Nail Colour in \'Mars\' - http://uk.rimmellondon.com/products/nails/salon-pro-nail-colour-with-lycra® Rimmel Apocalips Lip Laquer in ‘Celestial\' - http://uk.rimmellondon.com/products/lips/apocalips-lip-lacquer Rimmel Exaggerate Automatic Lip Liner in \'East End Snob\' - http://uk.rimmellondon.com/products/lips/exaggerate-automatic-lip-liner Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in ‘Cherries In The Snow\' - http://www.revlon.co.uk/Revlon-Home/Collections-Menu/col_Revlon-Super-Lustrous/c_ptr_Revlon-Super-Lustrous-Lipstick.aspx Revlon ColorStay Moisture Stain in ‘Cannes Crush\' - http://www.revlon.com/products/lips/lip-color/revlon-colorstay-moisture-stain#309975749014||0 PEOPLE MENTIONED: Sam & Nic at Pixiwoo - https://www.youtube.com/user/pixiwoo Laura (aka lollipop26!) at Buy Now Blog Later - http://www.buynowbloglater.com The ‘Eyebrows On Fleek’ Vine (you’re welcome) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrTVMXxop3o Nikki Grahame’s ‘WHO IS SHE?’ outburst (again, you’re welcome) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThUAahmAtDE MORE MEG: Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/megsaystweet Instagram (Health & Diet) - http://www.instagram.com/megsayseat Instagram (Beauty & Lifestyle) - http://www.instagram.com/megsays_ Google+ - https://plus.google.com/108350560941343432812/posts BlogLovin\' - http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/11907731 WHAT I\'M WEARING: Top - Pull & Bear Ribbed High Neck Knitted Top (Size S - consider going for a size up, their sizing is seriously teeny tiny!) - http://www.asos.com/pull-bear/pull-bear-ribbed-high-neck-knitted-top/prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=4606416&clr=Cream&SearchQuery=pull+and+bear+ribbed&pgesize=5&pge=1&totalstyles=5&gridsize=3&gridrow=1&gridcolumn=1&TTP=2 Earrings - independent jewellery store in Southwold, UK Rings - the clear stone was a gift, the wishbone was my gran’s and the opal was my great gran\'s Lipstick - Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet in ‘Nude-ist\' - http://www.bourjois.co.uk/catalog/make_up/lips/lipstick/rouge_edition_velvet Nails - Rimmel Salon Pro in ‘Mars’ - http://uk.rimmellondon.com/products/nails/salon-pro-nail-colour-with-lycra® EQUIPMENT USED: Canon 600D + 18-55mm lens Canon RC-06 Remote Control PhotoSEL lighting XCSOURCE SG-108 mic Edited on iMovie Version 10.0.06 Thanks so much for watching, that alone means the world to me! If you’d like to make me smile even more, please subscribe, like and comment - I truly appreciate it all :) Love, Meg x'
Tags: how to , beauty , tutorial , Makeup Tutorial , comedy , collection , funny , makeup , haul , review , look , makeup collection , iMovie , foundation , Mascara , Bobbi brown , lol , hilarious , Tanya Burr , zoella , beauty tips , Inspired , Cosmetics (Quotation Subject) , revlon , Eyes , ysl , british youtuber , beauty favourites , Rimmel , Niomi Smart , Lily Pebbles , joe sugg , pointless blog , Touche Éclat , vivianna does makeup , sugglets
See also: