'Glam Yourself up with Still Glamorus Cosmetics @ http://stillglamorus.com/render.cz?method=index StillGlamorus Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/stillGLAMORUS Kasey\'s myspace: http://www.myspace.com/randbchick Kasey\'s myspace group: http://groups.myspace.com/glamourland08 My cousin Young D\'s music can be found on his myspace @ http://www.myspace.com/youngd408 PRODUCTS USED: FACE: -MAC Fix+ -Smashbox Photo Finish Primer -Medium Concealer from Bitch Slap Cosmetics -Bare Minerals Tan Foundation -Bare Minerals MineraL Veil EYES: -Too Faced Shadow Insurance -NYX Milk Jumbo Pencil -NYX Yellow Jumbo Pencil -NYX Double sided Liner/Shadow Pencil in Lime Green -Still Glamorus Twist of Lime HD Pigment -Still Glamorus Rubber Ducky Mineral Pigment -Bitch Slap\'s Evil Bitch Paintwheel -Still Glamorus Gold Locket Mineral Pigment -NYX Emerald City EyeLiner -Still Glamorus Jungle Green Gel Liner -Jesse\'s Girl Transformer + Still Glamorus Glow Worm Sparkle -Bitch Slap\'s Brunette Brow Quad -Maybelline\'s Great Lash Clear Mascara -Baby Wipey -NYX 115 Lashes CHEEKS: -MAC Sculpt & Shape in Lightsweep & Shadester -Still Glamorus Miss Thang Blush LIPS: -Still Glamorus Cranberry Ice Lipstick -Still Glamorus Melon HD Lipgloss HONORS 05/03/09 #35 - Most Viewed (Today) - Gurus #69 - Most Viewed (Today) - Partners 05/04/09 #23 - Most Viewed (Today) - Gurus #76 - Most Viewed (Today) - Partners'
Tags: tutorial , cosmetics , makeup , green , eyeshadow , glitter , oakland , By , yellow , A's , still , angeec03 , mommagee , Glamorus
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