'Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2017 is here! Here\'s all new Overwatch Christmas skins, emotes, highlight intros and more, use timecodes in the description below to skip to a particular hero..including a sweet Rime Sombra winter skin :) -- **SUBSCRIBE** http://youtube.com/failcraftcasts?sub_confirmation=1 -- Vid\'s long, timecodes below so you can skip to different heroes - the 7 new skins are...Ana, Bastion, Junkrat, Roadhog, Sombra, Soldier 76, Hanzo! What do you think of the skins? Do let me know in the comments! LOVE the Sombra one! Hammeh TIMECODES Ana and Sprays - 0:25 Bastion - 1:59 D.va - 4:08 Doomfist - 4:51 Genji - 5:38 Hanzo - 6:34 Junkrat - 7:55 Lucio - 9:55 McCree - 10:14 Mei - 10:47 Mercy - 11:46 Moira - 12:41 Orisa - 13:50 Pharah - 16:08 Reaper - 16:32 Reinhardt - 17:15 Roadhog - 18:11 Soldier 76 - 19:47 Sombra - 21:37 Symmetra - 23:25 Torbjorn - 23:28 Tracer - 23:53 Widowmaker - 24:30 Winston - 25:06 Zarya - 25:44 Zenyatta - 26:17 -- MORE THINGS :D -- FULL OVERWATCH SERIES PLAYLIST (For More Hero interactions, lore and voicelines!) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6PXefjXaOjMo7QXGpfZ_3wwgdc0Q1AVa -- -CHANNEL INFO- Discover my Patreon, and how you can help me (if you think it\'s a worthy goal) take this channel to the next level! http://patreon.com/Hammeh BIG THANKS TO MY PATRONS - they help make my channel and the longer, edited lore vids possible. I wouldn\'t be able to experiment on new videos, spend more time on videos, or take risks without their support! -SPONSORS- Please check out my headphone sponsor HyperX, who also help me continue to make videos! The New HyperX Cloud Alpha is out now! - http://hyperx.gg/Hammeh -SOCIAL - -TWITTER - http://twitter.com/failcraftcasts -TWITCH - http://twitch.tv/HammehOW -- All audio discussion and production of audio (TM) Hammeh 2017 All Overwatch Content (tm) Blizzard Entertainment - use of this content on YouTube or with the Adsense Program is permitted by Blizzard as part of their video policy. -- About Hammeh -- Overwatch, Blizzard and gaming Lore, Daily News and Guides; along with Heroes of The Storm, PC Gaming and much more! Hey, I\'m Hammeh - I post videos 3-5 times a week, including.. **Overwatch** - Overwatch Lore, Hero Interactions,and Game Theory (including new hero, character and event speculation) Beta gameplay, tips, Overwatch Easter Eggs, Overwatch story, lore and more! **Gaming Lore** - video games lore and story in all its glory! Gaming lore, origin stories, voice lines, interactions and quotes. **Unwrapped - Game Previews, Reviews and First Impressions** **Unboxings and Swag** - collector\'s edition unboxings of games, gaming merchandise, swag and more! The channel and community is all about enjoying gaming and having no shame in being new or a bit useless at times - whether we\'re learning a new game together or trying to compete badly, join us as we crash and burn whilst hopefully learning something along the way! #overwatch #christmas #skins #sombra #emotes #rime'
Tags: Overwatch , sombra , new overwatch skins , hammeh , overwatch skins , overwatch new skins , overwatch new skin , overwatch winter wonderland , overwatch christmas event , overwatch winter wonderland 2017 , overwatch sombra , overwatch winter wonderland skins , all new overwatch skins , sombra winter skin , sombra rime , overwatch new winter skins , overwatch xmas skins , new overwatch christmas skins , rime sombra , beachrat junkrat , avalanche bastion , snow owl ana , casual hanzo , alpine 76
See also: