'This is my review on the new waterproof liquid eyeliner from Annabelle. -Bronze -Black Star -Blue Spark Check them out on their website: http://www.annabelle.com/en_ca/eyes/eyeliners/traceur-liquide-pour-les-yeux-hydrofuge Review: NEW ANNABELLE LIP LACQUERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HP3-bzYDJM Thank you for watching, liking, commenting, and subscribing. Follow me on twitter and instagram: JustEnufEyes For business inquiries: [email protected] I was sent all of the products in this video, these are my own opinions.'
Tags: new , beauty , cosmetics , makeup , canada , review , liner , artist , 2016 , bronze , toronto , canadian , waterproof , silver , bright , Blue , maggie , esthetics , long wearing , JustEnufEyes , BBloggerCa
See also: