Mar 12, 2024
'This is my huge haul form Napoleon Perdis. They had a huge sale with up to 70% off. I haven\'t tried their brand yet but I am excited to try . Their brand is usually only sold at the high end stores andtheir website at Napoleonperdis.com. I did forget to mention one product that was in the freebie bag which I am very excited about nail polish in liquid chrome . It\'s beautiful! Thanks for watching! Like and subscribe! have a great day! My other subscriptions that you are welcome to join me at are below. BoxyCharm monthly subscription box: https://www.boxycharm.com/rewardsref/index/refer/id/13043/ Ebates get cash back for onine shopping at their listed sites: http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=9V9Y11Jf%2BAzhSEqzo0h6fw%3D%3D&eeid=26471 FabFitFun Quarterly subscribtion box: http://vip.fff.me/9vvvZ Ipsy monthly subscription box: http://www.ipsy.com/r/gnnl?sid=ipsypoints&cid=email Wantable monthly subscription boxes: https://www.wantable.com/invites/gbhcjiNJfGk NatureBox monthly food subscription box: http://fbuy.me/S2Bi Food with Love monthly food subscription box: http://lovewithfood.com/invite?m=r&ref=oPc HauteLook discounted shopping website (Nordstroms, Nordstroms Rack): http://www.hautelook.com/invite/BPerkins921 Ideeli discounted shopping website: http://www.ideel.com/invite/beckyperkins'
Tags: YouTube Capture
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