'Reading Mean Comments From John Kuckian Trolls'

'Reading Mean Comments From John Kuckian Trolls'
11:54 Mar 12, 2024
'Start a conversation, not a fire. Post with kindness. Thanks so much for watching ya\'ll, Please Subscribe! ↘️As Always All Products are Listed and Linked Below. Click Show More ↘️                    C O N N E C T     W I T H      M E :   Facebook: Facebook.com/chelseacsuarez Instagram: Instagram.com/chelseacsuarez Twitter: Twitter.com/chelseacsuarez Inquiries: [email protected] Blog: Theselfishsuarezs.com Blog email: [email protected]              P R O D U C T S    M E N T I O N E D  &  U S E D :  Makeup tutorial on this look- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gu1Bx6fAiU&t=150s  **This video is NOT sponsored. The products noted with a ‘*’ were sent to me. As much as I would love to be a full-time Youtuber, I am not. I have a “normal job”, YouTube is just my hobby and a fun creative outlet for me. Links that start with http://weav.me are affiliate links, I do earn a small commission when you purchase through them, which helps me purchase products for review, host giveaways & improve my channel/content over all. If you would like to support me, I love you and thank you, if you are uncomfortable doing so, no worries babe I still love ya, you can search the products names in Google to find where to purchase them, and thank you so much for watching!! Your support no matter how big or small means so much to me!! I really hope you enjoy my content**                        M Y   F I L M I N G   E Q U I P M E N T:  Watch my filming set up video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf-aQxAagl0&feature=youtu.be CANON EOS M3 W/ STOCK LENSE http://weav.me/~k5Ei RODE MIC http://weav.me/~k5E7 RING LIGHT http://weav.me/~k5Eg RING LIGHT SOFTBOX DIFFUSER http://weav.me/~k5E+ UMBRELLA LIGHTS http://weav.me/~k5Ef BRIGHTER BULBS FOR UMBRELLA LIGHTS http://weav.me/~k5E9  BACKDROPS: Where to buy- Joanns Fabric, I would like to order them online but I have to be able to see them in person and touch them to be sure I\'ll like them. How much- I get 2 yards. Set up- I hang my fabric up in front of my closet doors with 3 push pins down each side to have it pulled tight. I have a light on a short stand behind my chair shining on the backdrop to show the texture of it  EDITING/PICTURES: I take all my pictures with my back-facing camera on my Iphone8+  Pics for social media- Facetune app.  Thumbnails-Picmonkey.com, great for adding clipart + resizing Videos- Final Cut Pro and I get plug in’s form Pixelstudios.com Music- I get music for my videos through channels like youtube.com/NoCopyrightSounds               F R E Q U E N T L Y   A S K E D   Q U E S T I O N S: -Where do you live?    Tampa, Florida!  -How old are you?   I\'m 26! Yes... I know I look like I am 16-18. I get it. Let’s move on. -Are you married?   YES, to a hottie hunk of a husband :) Tony & I started dating when we were 19, in April 2010. We got engaged in October 2013 and married October 2015. -What kind of dog do you have?   Daphne \'Furpig\' Suarez is a 7-8ish year old English Bulldog. We rescued her in July 2011. She snores while she’s awake, her tongue is too big for her mouth and she has an undersized left front leg that doesn\'t really affect her because she\'s an independent woman. Feel free to follow her on IG, she doesn\'t post as much as she\'d like since she doesn\'t have thumbs. Instagram.com/Daphne_TheFurpig -When did you start your YouTube channel?   I posted my first video on Sept 12th 2016.' 

Tags: affordable makeup , Jimmy Kimmel , get ready with me , Giveaway , smokey eye , tanning routine , reading mean comments , John kuckian , reading hate comments , chelsea suarez , hooded eyes'' makeup tutorial , John kuckian drama , John kuckian exposed , celebrities read mean tweets , reading mean tweets , reading my held for review comments , reading my hate comments , hate comments exposed , funny reading mean comments , lizy koshy reading mean tweets , lizy koshy reads tweets , troll comments

See also:

