'DISCOUNT CODE: ESSENCE FOR 10% OFF www.annabellesperfectblend.com Hi! Some of you have asked me about my thoughts on certain products and fragrances. In this video, I am sharing answers to some of the FAQs about these products. I wanted to be sure to get your questions answered before the site closes on Monday morning, 8/10/20. REMEMBER, THE SITE DOES NOT OPEN BACK UP UNTIL OCTOBER!! If I forgot any questions, please put them in the comments box and I will try my best to get them all answered by Sunday. ITEMS I USE AND RECOMMEND BESTOOL Detangling Brush: https://amzn.to/2Cnmvf2 Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer: https://amzn.to/3eeVhoc Organic Sweet Almond Oil: https://amzn.to/2BWyWP5 Email: [email protected] IG: @EssenceofCoils Twitter: @EssenceofCoils #AnnabellesPerfectBlend'
Tags: natural hair , body care , product reviews , black hair , Low porosity , dry hair , deep conditioner , product demo , best conditioner , Type 4a/4b , Thick Coarse Hair , Natural Hair Maintenance , Curls Coils Kinks , Annabelle's Perfect Blend , Annabelle's , Natural Beauty Care
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