'Hey Everyone!! Here\'s a Blue look I did for the StillGLAMORUS contest. It was a bit lazy cuz I made it up as I went along but it turned out ok. Music; The Blacknote Project - Fully reclined at 35,000 feet. Alice in Chains (During the tutorial) Base; Face 2 Moisturising Base in Linen, Vichy Dermablend camouflage in G12, MuFe FullCover No.4, Mac Select MoistureCover Nw15, MuFe Super Matte Loose Power No.10. Cheeks; Mac Satin Blush Well Dressed, Bourjois Suivez mon Regard Eye dust 08 . Eyes; Bourjois Eyeshadow in Beige Rose, Sephora all over colour Cream Colour (Silver/Blue), Bourjois Suivez mon Regard Dusts No\'s 08 & 15, Mac Matte Eyeshadow Clarity, BarryM Dazzle Dust 68, MuFe Aqua Eyes 7L (Blue) & 0L (Black), Rimmel Black Liquid Liner, No7 Dream Lash Mascara and Revlon Lash Jewels. Lips; Mac\'s Lip Pencil in Subculture, Gosh Lipstick in Darling, Lancome Juicy tubes in POP.'
Tags: tutorial , makeup , mac , liner , make-up , tutorials , Water , bourjois , Eyes , Blue , makeupforever , pigments , Dusts , MakeupGallery.net
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