'Lets open some BOXES and look at the awesome new stuff! Enjoy! Support me on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1FUac4S Subscribe (http://bit.ly/1hTCETC) for more gaming content and read the description to fulfill your dreams! For exclusives, fun times and general shenanigans follow me on: Twitter: http://twitter.com/ragegamingvideo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RageGamingVideos More life changing links! Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RageGamingVideos Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/ragegamingvideos Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/RageGaming/ Email: [email protected] T-Shirts: http://www.redbubble.com/people/ragegamingvideo/shop I\'m Rage. I make funny things, I make useful things and I end up in many improbable situations. If you\'ve got this far in the description you are an intrepid explorer of boxes and I approve you as a comrade in curiosity. So join me on this adventure as I make multitudes of majorly magnificent videos as I be excessively modest and have a good time! Thanks for watching and reading, give yourself a cookie.'
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