'Well, that\'s over 100 crates I\'ve unboxed on this channel. RIP my luck... Enjoy the video? Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more! Raffle: (ends Nov. 17th, 2015): https://scrap.tf/raffles/RXQ44U If it asks for a password, use \"6957883\" without the quotes. YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/grandnoodlelite YouTube Gaming Channel: https://gaming.youtube.com/user/grandnoodlelite/live Twitter: https://twitter.com/grandnoodlelite Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/grandnoodlelite Music: Opening Night by Jason Farnham'
Tags: cosmetic , TF2 , Giveaway , commentary , Unboxing , Team Fortress 2 (Video Game) , crates , crate , Scream Fortress , tf2 unboxing , cosmetic case , unbox , key , strange , invasion , Shooter Game (Media Genre) , Cosmetic Crate , Uncrating , Raffle , Live Commentary , gun mettle , Valve Corporation (Video Game Developer) , grandnoodlelite , gargoyle , Confidential , scrap.tf , killstreak , tf2 live commentary , Uncrate , uncrateing , Confidential Collection Case , stat track , gargoyle case , gargoyle crate , Scream Fortress 2015
See also: