'Late last year Napoleon Perdis hosted a dynamic trend workshop in Brisbane. Our makeup master classes—this one was entitled \"Magical Thinking\"—bridge entertainment and education, inspiring makeup enthusiasts to creative new heights. With step-by-step demonstrations on models, Napoleon shared some of his favourite looks of the moment, including gothic glamour, exaggerated cat-eyes, and golden makeup—with actual gilt being applied to a model\'s face. Accompanying the maestro was his trusted team of makeup artists, hair stylists and even a group of dancers from So You Think You Can Dance to open and close the show with an infectious bump and grind. Look out for our next masterclass in April 2010 in Melbourne and the Gold Coast. Don\'t forget to subscribe for more behind the scenes videos!'
Tags: beauty , cosmetics , makeup , makeup artist , Behind the Scenes , AUSTRALIA , makeup tips , makeup looks , Brisbane , so you think you can dance , Napoleon Perdis , makeup napoleon , perdis makeup , napoleon perdis makeup , makeup australia , Napoleon Perdis master class
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