'Sooooo this palette arrived as well as my Platinum Ice Pro palette and Yeah i dunno about this one to be honest! Keep on watching and you\'ll see what I mean.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on the socials: Facebook: Cerise1307 Instagram: Cerise1307 Snapchat: Cerise1307 Business Enquiries: [email protected] All opinions are my own and this video is not sponsored. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes: LiveGlam - Kiss Me, Use code: Cerise1307 and get a FREE Lipstick on subscription! Glamierre - Cerise10 for 10 % off your whole order! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for stopping by x'
Tags: bad pro palette review , 24 karat skin frost pro palette review , jeffree star 24 karat pro palette , brutally honest jeffree star skin frost pro palette review , bad skin frost review , bad jeffree star gold palette review , bad jeffree star palette review , bad king tut review , bad dark horse review , bad giza review , bad liberace review , bad legendary review , bad sarcophagus review , brutally honest pro palette review , worst of jeffree star makeup , never buying again jeffree star
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